Campbell Ent. is not your average buggy/4-wheeling fabrication shop. Here we specialize in multiple areas of custom fabrication as well as maintenance on anything from trailers to custom offroad race cars.
Yes, our most common projects to come in are a variety of offroad vehciles, whether it be recreational or racing. But, our shop has taken on various jobs such as Electronic Shelters, Metal Furniture, Metal Racks, Fuel Cells, Tire Racks, Gates, and more. So, please dont hesitate to give us a call about your next project.
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Here at Campbell Ent. you will see that we offer fabrication services for commercial and industrial applications including...
-Automotive Parts
-Race Cars
-Metal Framing/ Racks
-Custom Roll Cages
-Electronic Shelters
-Metal Furniture
-And More...
Our services are done so with Mig, Tig, Torch Blazing, Various Metal Types, Sheering, Sheet Metal Bending, Drilling, Cutting, Sanding and more.

We have many years of experince here in the shop, working with vehicles and trailers. It's important to keep up on the maintenance, so that your equipment is in the best working condition.
-Offroad Vehicles/Race Cars/ UTV's
-Bearing Pack
-Frame Repair
-Wiring & Plumbing
-Welding Repair
-Custom Fabrications